Rural Telementoring UnConference
The RTTC held the Rural Telmentoring UnConference on Wednesday, October 26, 2022. The event featured an array of presentations by national leaders on topics relevant to rural health care delivery and telementoring.
RTTC Virtual Launch Week
In October 2021, the RTTC held a weeklong, virtual event to announce the launch of Resources, Information, Support, and Education – RISE for Rural Telementoring, an array of resources and tools to support organizations in implementing telementoring programs for rural health. Throughout the week, presentations and facilitated discussions centered around our theme: Emerging Voices in Rural Telementoring. Events included an image competition, microlectures from leaders in telementoring, and stories from community members and rural health workers.
RTTC supports rural health research and policy development and implementation through media appearances, peer-reviewed journal articles, opinion pieces, conferences and other publications.