Quality Measure Toolkit & Mobile App Launch Event – Day 2: The Intersection of Digital Equity and Rural Health

Event Date & Time

May 31, 2023 at 11:00am - 12:00pm



Event Details:
The Rural Telementoring Training Center (RTTC) invites you to its upcoming Quality Measure Toolkit & Mobile App Launch Event. From May 30 – June 2, the RTTC is hosting a series of events to share digital solutions for rural health. The week will feature a stellar lineup of speakers who will speak on podcasting, policy updates, digital equity, and rural telementoring to improve community health!

Continuing into the second day of this launch week, the RTTC invites Danielle Louder of the Northeast Telehealth Resource Center to speak on the topic of Digital Equity and its relevance to bringing telementoring to the center of efforts to build resilient rural health systems.


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