NOSORH Call for Speaker Proposals for October Conference

The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health invites you to partner with us to bring meaningful education to our 2021 Annual Meeting being held on October 12th–14th, 2021!

We invite you to submit proposal(s) to speak and present your work, research findings, projects, and other topics to help SORH address the needs of rural communities to prepare for the future. Depending on travel capabilities the Annual Meeting may be a fully virtual or hybrid event. Be sure to indicate your virtual or in-person preference when submitting your proposal.

New to the Annual Meeting?

State Offices of Rural Health have a responsibility to collect and disseminate rural relevant information, encourage collaboration to reduce duplication of rural efforts and provide technical assistance to rural communities. Beyond the unique federal-state funding SORH receive, many SORH are also the lead for the state Flex, SHIP, and Primary Care Office programs. SORH work with rural health providers including Critical Access Hospitals, Rural Health Clinics, Rural Community Health Centers, and other safety net providers to improve access to care and promote better health. They often play a role in the recruitment and retention of rural health professionals, seeking innovative approaches to care coordination and promoting rural community vitality.

SORH Requested Topics

While all proposals are encouraged, we are particularly looking for submissions that are future-focused and encourage cross-sector collaboration. The Annual Meeting planning committee is prioritizing proposals that include projects implemented with at least one SORH state, and proposals that incorporate interactive discussion components.

Our members have expressed an interest in the following topics:



  • Alternative Payment Models (APMS) and Medicare/Medicaid demonstration projects
  • Given the SORH funding, what can be done about paramedicine or mental health or farming
  • Behavioral Health Integration
  • Health Equity (diversity and inclusion, LGBTQ+, etc.)
  • Collaboration between rural hospitals and urban health systems
  • Primary Care Integration
  • Community paramedicine and community health workers
  • Public health infrastructure and clinical integration
  • Data analysis, interpretation, and visualization
  • Rural community-based funding opportunities
  • Emergency preparedness and Emergency response
  • Rural facility closure (Hospitals, clinics, EMS, etc.)
  • Telehealth and broadband access
  • SORH success stories
  • Workforce challenges and solutions

Required Components

One of NOSORH’s strategic priorities should be apparent in your proposed presentation.

The priority areas are:

  • Cultivate a vital, innovative rural health landscape and infrastructure.
  • Grow leadership to address rural population health and health equity.
  • Build capacity for rural data driven program planning and decision making.
  • Advocate for meaningful partnerships and additional resources for SORH, and their stakeholders.



Next Steps

Our selection process is done by The Annual Meeting Planning Committee who will make recommendations for the final selection. When filling out the attached proposal form please ensure you include basic background on your subject matter/topic and what you will discuss in your session. Please write it so the committee can understand exactly what will be delivered to attendees. If you were requested to submit a proposal by your SORH, please indicate that on the application. This helps committee members ensure they are selecting quality and engaging presentations.

Once a proposal has been selected and speakers have accepted an invitation to speak, accepted speakers will receive an email regarding the selection. It is your responsibility to ensure your event registration, forms, and deadlines are met by the required dates for each meeting. It takes considerable time to coordinate all details to produce a successful meeting, your cooperation in our success is appreciated.

Complete your proposal now!

All proposals must be submitted by 11:59 pm EST on July 9, 2021. Complete your proposal here.